Message from the current Chair
Welcome to BECBC!
As the Chair of BECBC, I like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Bangladeshi Engineers & Computer Science Professionals of BC (BECBC) website; our sincere thanks to you for your interest in BECBC and its activities. Please visit our member’s page to find how you can benefit from the organization and, as well, learn about various activities that you can take part or contribute in those.
As the founder secretary of BECBC, I had the unique privilege of observing its growth and the contribution made to the engineering and computer professionals in BC. My sincere thanks go to the predecessors and past EC members who have volunteered their time and efforts to the organization and the community.
Our community is a hub of diverse talents, and we, BEBC team, are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Through collective efforts, we’ll strive in advancing technology, fostering professional and career development, and contributing to the community through social, cultural, and charitable activities. In addition, we’ll set up sessions to listen to our membership so as to steer to the direction that benefit the organization and its members.
I invite each member to actively engage, share insights, and participate in shaping the future of our vibrant community. Together, we can create an environment where expertise flourishes, connections thrive, and achievements resonate.
Looking forward to a year filled with meaningful collaborations and collective successes.
Best regards,
Mujib Rahman, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Chair, BECBC 2024-2025
Member's Corner
BECBC boasts to have a vibrant community with members from diverse engineering fields. Members enjoy exclusive facilities offered by BECBC. To explore the benefits, please visit here.
Social Responsibilities
We have strong community footprint across British Columbia. We frequently serve local communities with our thoughtful activities. To know more, please visit here.
Our community has strong ties to industries. To sponsor our events online and offline, visit here.
PD Events
Various professional development (PD) events are regularly arranged by us. Please explore here.
We Take Pride in Our Community
Years of Experience
Collaborative Partners