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Nazmul Hasan, P.Eng.

Chair’s Word

Being elected I felt fortunate to accept the Chair’s gavel for 2022-2023 at our 14th Annual General Meeting on Dec 11, 2021. It is a time to identify new ideas, welcome new members, populate new committees, and embrace new challenges. 


I would like to thank Mr. Mizanur Majumder, past Chair, EC members, volunteers and general members who made BECBC successful through their dedication and perseverance.


I am delighted that we have a proactive EC committee. We will strive to make BECBC vibrant. We will make our technical, social and cultural events effective and attractive as well. We will increase our footprint in the area of charity so that we can approach sponsors in a respectable way. To achieve the aforementioned goals we would listen to our members; expect high member registration and mass participation in our events.


Let me close by urging you all – members and “future members” alike – to be part of this milestone year and engage with us fulsomely and often.

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Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Nazmul Hasan M Eng, P Eng, MIEAust is working as Principal Track Expert, Rail Transit and Mobility with SNC Lavalin Inc. since 2006.  He worked for Bangladesh Railway as Executive Engineer. He earned a master’s degree by research with distinction from Newcastle University, Australia in 1995. He researched on monetary value of “Travel Time Savings” in the city of Newcastle, Australia. Prior to immigration, Nazmul served as a consultant with Canarail (a Canadian company) for five years on Jamuna Rail Link Project in Bangladesh. After coming to Canada Nazmul joined Bombardier under co-op program in Ontario and served as a flight engineer! He has over 30 years of professional experience in light, commuter and heavy haul railway.


Nazmul authored over thirty journals and peer-reviewed conferences e.g., JRC, ICTD  papers on track design issues. He published papers in ASCE journals – Journal of Transportation Engineering, Parts A:Systems (JTEA),  Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (JMCE), Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (PPSDC); Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (JRRT), UK; Sage journal Advances in Mechanical Engineering, UK; SAGE journal Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIMS), UK; International Journal of Advanced Research Engineering (IJARE), Iran.


Core Responsibilities:
  • Provide leadership, represent the association as its figurehead and ensure effective management of the association.

  • Oversee the functions of EC in fulfilling its responsibilities towards the governance of the association.

  • Preside over all EC meetings. In conjunction with VC Operations or VC Finance, sign deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instructions authorized by the EC, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the EC to some other agent of the association.

  • With approval from the EC, s/he will appoint Ad-Hoc Committees as necessary to further the association’s objectives, and may discontinue any such committee upon approval of the EC when its purpose has been served.

  • In conjunction with the Secretary, VC Operations and VC Finance, approve budget for events or workshops which may require funding from the association.

  • In collaboration with VC Finance, operate bank account and perform transactions.

  • In consultation with the EC, appoint the Election Commission prior to an AGM.

  • Issue press release with the approval of EC, Perform other duties related to the role.

  • Be accountable to the EC and general members.


Supporting Role:
  • Provide support in ensuring appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the effective management of the association.

  • Provide guidance and advice, act as a liaison among AC and EC.

  • Collaborate with other ECs in identifying needs and supporting their projects as well as furthering the goals of the association in leadership, service and representation.

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